A Regular Meeting of the EAST HARTFORD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY was held in the second floor conference room B, 740 Main Street, East Hartford, Connecticut on Wednesday, February 20, 2013.
- The meeting was called to order at 6:09PM by Chairperson Pearson
Robin Pearson, Chair
Ellen McCreery, Vice-Chair
John Ryan
Gerry Maine
Tony Matta
Others in Attendance:
John Choquette, Development Director
MOTION by Ms. Mr. Ryan, seconded by Ms. McCreery to approve the bills list
MOTION by Mr. Ryan, seconded by Ms. McCreery to approve the minutes
- Review of the State’s DOT’s Burnside Avenue Road changes
- Mr. Choquette presented the plan which spans the entire length of Burnside Avenue from Main Street to Walnut Street. The road will be converted to a single lane traffic pattern both east and westbound with a number of left turning lanes and limited street parking. The plan would go out to bid Spring 2013.
- Ms. Pearson asked if there were going to be neighborhood meetings held.
- Gateway Square Redevelopment Area II – 957 Main Street – New Bank Construction
- Mr. Choquette reported that the developers broke ground last week.
- Mr. Choquette spoke with Lawrence & Associates who will be in attendance at the March meeting to present their ideas for both 550 and 590 Burnside Avenue.
- Mr. Choquette presented the draft RFP
- Ms. Pearson requested that the draft RPF be sent out to Commissioners for their review.
- Ms. McCreery noted that the “FOR SALE” sign has gone missing and requested that this be replaced.
- 590 Burnside Avenue Property
- see above (550 Burnside Avenue)
- Main Street Improvement Program update
- Mr. Choquette updated Commissioners on the tree study being done along the Main Street corridor.
- Mr. Choquette informed Commissioners that Auto Zone has acquired their building permit for the lot on the north side of Governors Street at the intersection with Main Street.
- Mr. Choquette informed the agency members the contract with BFJ Planning to update the Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development is in the process of being finalized and the update process will begin soon.
- MOTION by Mr. Ryan, seconded by Ms. McCreery
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeffrey A. Currey
cc: Town Clerk
Development Department
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